This page contains information on: bell schedules, attendance policies, school dress codes, cell phone policies, student parking, and the Trojan Honours Society.
Click on the button to access an abbreviated copy of our student handbook for new students to HTHS:
Bell Schedules

Academic Integrity Policy
to access our school’s academic integrity policy.
Directed Academic Support and Saturday School
Submitting required work plays a very big role in being successful in classes. Students who are having trouble getting work submitted to teachers have several supports in place to help ensure the have enough evidence of learning to be successful.
When students are late handing in work, teachers contact parents to let them know that if the work isn’t submitted, the student will be referred for directed academic support (DAS).
Students who are referred to DAS will be required to report to the designated room (room 319) at lunch time on a specific date.
If a student doesn’t attend DAS, they will be referred to in-school suspension (TSPC) to complete the necessary work.
Repeated referrals to DAS and/or TSPC will result in a referral to Saturday School.
Saturday School is also open for students to self-refer if they feel they would benefit from receiving some extra help from a teacher outside the regular school hours.
Attendance Policy
The subject teacher is to meet with the student to address attendance concerns and discuss the student’s current academic standing/situation. The subject teacher will call/email home the primary caregiver and will send this info to the mini team.
The subject teacher will inform guidance. Guidance will meet with the student and contact the primary caregiver to investigate the reason(s)for the absences. Guidance will contact the teachers to provide an update. A scheduled review and contingency plan by the mini team will be explored if it is determined the student will most likely continue to miss time. The mini team plan will be sent to the student’s teachers and will continue to monitor and meet regularly with the student.
The vice principal will take administrative action. A decision regarding the next steps (i.e., remaining in class or removal after two additional absences) will take place. Contact home will be made by the vice principal and will include a description of the attendance contract and what intervention will look like moving forward in subsequent terms. The student will sign an attendance contract.
A formal meeting is conducted with parents informing them that the student is being removed. A contingency plan moving forward is determined, and the student is withdrawn from class. The vice principal will continue to meet with the student as appropriate.
School Dress Policy
There are 4 key principles to our dress code:
1. School is a professional location.
2. All students are encouraged to dress in a manner that is comfortable and conducive to an active school day.
3. Students should be able to wear clothing without fear of or actual unnecessary discipline or body shaming.
4. The student dress code should serve to support all students to develop a body-positive self-image.
NOTE: School administration will make the determination as to whether or not clothing is appropriate to wear to school.
Students must still wear: bottoms; tops; shoes; clothing that covers genitals, buttocks; and areolae/nipples with opaque (you cannot see through it).
PLEASE NOTE: Courses that include attire as part of the curriculum (for example, co-op/career explorations, culinary and trades technology, physical education courses) may include assignment-specific dress, but the assignment should not focus on covering students’ bodies or promoting culturally specific attire. Teachers can require specific types of shoes for certain activities (such as physical education or shop).
Students MAY STILL wear:
Bandanas (including religious headwear)
Hoodie sweatshirts
Fitted pants, including leggings, yoga pants, and “skinny jeans”
Sweatpants, shorts, skirts, dresses, pants
Ripped jeans, as long as underwear is not exposed
Tank tops, including spaghetti straps and halter tops
Athletic attire
Clothing with commercial or athletic logos provided they do not violate the guidelines in the “CANNOT WEAR” section
Sun-protective clothing, including but not limited to hats, for outdoor use during the school day
Students CANNOT WEAR clothing with:
Violent language or images
Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity) or the use of same
Hate speech, profanity, pornography
Images and/or language that create a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class
Visible underwear including boxer, sports bras, etc.
Headgear that obscures the face (except as a religious observance)
Cell Phone Policy
The cellphone/wearable will be taken by the classroom teacher until the end of class.
Students will bring the cellphone/wearable to the main office to be given to admin.
Admin will contact the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) and students are able to pick up the phone after school.
The cellphone/wearable will be taken to the main office and kept there until it can be picked up by a parent/guardian.
Devices must be “checked-in” every day at the office and will be returned at the end of the day.
Student Parking
Student parking at HTHS is limited. Parking is reserved for students who require a vehicle to:
1. Attend co-op placements
2. Attend career exploration placements
3. Attend off-site locations pertaining to the Essential Skills Achievement Pathway (ESAP) program
Honours at HTHS
Any students who achieve a minimum 85% average (or higher) at the end of their school year will complete their year with honours.
At graduation, the top 10% of the graduating class will graduate with honours with distinction.
Click the button to learn more about honours at HTHS: