Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 3:30 pm
Contact: Traise Bevans (
Services offered:
- Computers and printer are available for schoolwork.
- Students may borrow up to three books. Loan period is two weeks, and most books may be renewed.
- iPads and headphones may also be available to borrow on a day-by-day basis.
Library Catalogue
To search the library catalogue from a school computer, click here. Please choose “Anglophone East School District”, then “Harrison Trimble” to access the catalogue.
Create an account to see your checkouts and due dates, fines (replacement cost if a book has been lost), and to place books on hold.
- Click log In (upper right)
- Choose: Create new account
- Enter last name
- Enter barcode (student ID)
- Create a username and password
Sora is a free provincial e-library where e-books, audiobooks, and read-along books are available in both English and French. Click here to access Sora.
- Open the Sora App.
- Click “Find My School”.
- Search for New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development appears; click “This is my school”.
- Sign into Sora using your NBSS e-mail and password.
- Search for books. You can borrow two books at a time and place up to three future books on hold.